Premiere: Commandeur's With Me gets a gorgeous video clip

Premiere: Commandeur's With Me gets a gorgeous video clip

Eyegasms for your eargasms.

Sydney-based producer Commandeur is two for two as far as we're concerned when it comes to the launch of the Panama drummer's project. First we had Wasted, and more recently With Me, both luscious pieces of gentle electronica, featuring spacious synth work, winding basslines and the producer's graceful vocals. And today we're very chuffed to premiere the video clip for the latter single, directed by Matt Schembri and an absolute pleasure to watch. Perfectly syncing up with the cosmic vibes of the single, it's stirring stuff about which he had to say:

"Music has a way of creating imagery in your head. When I was making this song, I tried to envision a spacey atmosphere so that the listener would feel immersed in a shimmering world. Matt Schembri did an amazing job animating a world that really compliments and furthers the depth of the song. It Allows you to experience the music in a different way. Enjoy a bit of a departure from reality!"

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