Framed: Jacob Ovgren

Framed: Jacob Ovgren

We love Swedish illustrator Jacob Ovgren. You too should love Jacob Ovgren.

Jacob Ovgren has been one of my favourite illustrators for a long time now. Heading up the graphic team at Polar Skate Co. it was his style and artwork that put that company on the map for me and now their boards and ranges and even their ads are always something I really look forward to! He had his first solo show at Beach Gallery in London earler this year and it was bloody fantastic.. If you don't know now you know! 

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INSTA: @jacobovgren

Framed: Sara Zin

Serene, beautiful portraiture.

9 years ago

Ninamarlena x J-Dart

Combining skulls with photo projection from two sides of Australia.

10 years ago

Framed: Bkopf

Introducing the graphic designer and illustrator known as Bkopf.

8 years ago

Printout: 'We Saw It Before You' by Hillvale

To accompany one hell of an exhibition, a publication that is worth more than it's weight in gold.

9 years ago
