Framed: Guo Fengyi

Framed: Guo Fengyi

Encounter the mysticism of artist Guo Fengyi.

The work of Guo Fengyi is a fluid visual translation of her visions guided by spiritual experiences through Qigong, a traditional Chinese practice focused on manipulating qi energy in the body. Formerly a factory worker, the artist found inspiration in studies of mysticism. After her death in 2010, several posthumous exhibitions of her work have been held around the globe. Fengyi's art remains striking to this day; each piece is made up of lines in ink that represent energy, thoughts and circulation.







Printout: Xero Boys - Issue #1 Launch

A rad new zine launching in Perth next week.

9 years ago

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What would be awesome to happen to street litter.

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Because there's no such thing as too much miniature food-based design.

9 years ago

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The portraiture of Maria Teicher.

8 years ago
