Introducing - Night Cruise

Introducing - Night Cruise

Where you'll probably not really learn anything, but hear some good music.

Who are Night Cruise? This little "Introducing" piece is probably not going to make you any the wiser. But hey, we'll embed some of their music into it, and you can at least get a good idea of what they sound like.

Who are you? 

We’re Night Cruise. designated drivers to your dreams.

How’d you meet? 

People probably can’t know that right now. Parts of the internet are still under secrecy codes and what not.

What kinda tunes we talkin’?

Future leaning-ish, down a tube of video-game nostalgia.

Production/writing process:

We just say "engine on.” and the rest is whooooshh.

What do you do outside of Night Cruise?  

Dusk cruise, dawn cruise.

Any shows coming up?

Yeah! Our first show's supporting one of the best in game Mr. Carmack on the 26th of April at Shape Bar, Perth (herro world).

What’s the rest of the year have in store? 

We’re just writing lots and doing essential cruising.

Where can we hear more of your gear?


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