Introducing - Ceres

Introducing - Ceres

Melbourne four-piece Ceres give us the skinny on their new album.

Just ahead of their national tour kicking off this week, we thought it'd be nice to get to know Melbourne outfit Ceres, who are celebrating the release of their album I Don't Want To Be Anywhere But Here. Buy it via the Hobbledoyhoy Records WEBSITE, and read on with one of the most self-deprecating bands we've ever met.

Who are you?

We are four friends from Melbourne trying really hard to be a cool band, but failing miserably. More specifically, my name is Tom and I play guitar and sing in the band CERES.

How’d you meet?

Met Rhys drunk at a party one time, then met GY drunk at a party one other time. Frank doesn’t really drink, so I guess the rest of the band were drunk and Frank was sober when we met him at a party some time after that.

What kinda tunes we talkin’?

I guess they are pop-rock? Hate that term though. A little punk-ish maybe? A fair bit of emo influence in there too. They are definitely woosy at times. I don’t know, hopefully they sound as un-pretentious as possible.

Production/writing process:

It’s either me bringing an almost whole song to the band, being embarrassed to play it because I think it’s the worst, then the band layers over the top and it sounds a million times better, but still not that good. Or, we just wing it in the practice space and something comes out of that, then I retrospectively write lyrics for it. That happens a lot less though. 

What do you do outside of Ceres?

I’m a graphic designer. Rhys and GY run about a million businesses between them, and who knows what Frank does with his spare time.

Any shows coming up?

Yep – we are halfway through a national tour. It’s been really fun. Finding out that people know us outside of Melbourne has been a mind-blow. (Click HERE for dates)

What’s the rest of the year have in store?

Finish the tour, record more music, tour again at the end of the year. I think. It’s all up in the air at the moment, but something will happen sometime that will be cool, promise.

Where can we hear more of your gear?


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