Introducing RIVAH and her debut single, a gloomy electro-pop banger called Untame

Introducing RIVAH and her debut single, a gloomy electro-pop banger called Untame

We think you will be hearing a lot more from RIVAH in the future.

An Aussie very rarely spending time on home soil, RIVAH has often found herself far away from home, and the last couple of years have seen her following music all over the globe. And she's just unveiled the fruits of those labours in debut single, Untame, coming not only after making her live debut in New York recently. We think it's a big vibe, and so we sent a few questions her way to find out more, check it all out below:

We got to know RIVAH a little better which you can check out below and you can listen to her new single below also.

Tell us about about yourself?

I love peanut butter. I secretly wish I was a good surfer. I am a trained dancer but my sister was a professional. I watch the credits. I got kicked out of choir at school for being late too many times. I can only whistle one octave. The Lion King soundtrack and Lauryn Hill’s single Doo Wop (That Thing) were the first CDs I owned.

What kinda tunes we talkin’?

Like Chance the Rapper minus the rapping and add some oestrogen.

Production/writing process:

I’m heavy on lyrics and melody. What a song is saying is ultimately what I care about most. Inspiration for content I find often broods and builds over a long time, inspiration for the music/production is often quick and in the moment. The less I overthink and the less I try the better I write. Same goes for life I think. Try and tune out the noise and go with your gut.

Can you tell us about your new single, Untame?

Untame was a fun session with Pip Norman in Melbourne. He did my favourite tracks on Jarryd James’ album (including UNDONE – you must listen). I love his room full of 70s analog synths. I love the way he takes his time (so rare in this rushed ‘make as many quick-sell hits as you can’ day and age). The heart of the track, being fearless, had been brewing in me for a while… probably because there were so many potentially scary unknowns in my life at the time.

Any shows coming up?

Yep. LA on November 2 and then maybe some sneaky shows back in Australia later this year.

What’s the rest of the year have in store?

A) Lots B) Who knows.

Where can we hear more of your music?

If you learn Untame then you can sing it to yourself wherever you go.


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