Premiere: Tanaya Harper is in the spotlight for 'The Well' video

Premiere: Tanaya Harper is in the spotlight for 'The Well' video

The single is taken from the Perth-based musician's debut EP Some Kinds, which features Stella Donnelly.

Header photo by Rachel Claire Field.

One of this year's significant local risers is Tanaya Harper, a brilliant, Perth-based musician who, on her debut EP Some Kinds, fleshed out her "experiences with depression, anxiety and living with bipolar disorder" above beautifully tender and acoustic instrumentals often aided by Stella Donnelly. The Well is one of the highlight tracks from the five-song EP, closing the release with a single about guiltiness and relationships. "It's about feeling really guilty. Guilty for feeling numb; guilty for feeling anxious about my steady and beautiful relationship with my partner; guilty that I couldn't even leave the house to go for a walk," she says on the track, which today is joined by an official video clip shot by George Foster (who also directed Donnelly's hauntingly powerful clip for Boys Will Be Boys). "Then I started talking to a few people about how I was thinking and feeling, and I realised that I wasn't the only one."

The track's video - premiering here today - strips back this concept and amplifies visually, with Harper putting herself in the spotlight for a clip that really cements the single's theme and the complex emotions that often arise from guilt and anxiety. "I feel like this video perfectly encapsulates the entire notion of what The Well is about," Harper confirms. "The experience of loneliness, isolation and numbness is followed by that of going out into the world; surrounded by beauty and getting another perspective on the thoughts and feelings that might be dictating one's current understanding of the world at that time." Watch the video clip below, check out the full EP HERE, and be sure to keep your eyes on Harper as she is sure to become one of Australia's highlighted next-gen over the next few months.

Also, be sure to catch Tanaya Harper at a video launch show for The Well this Sunday at Mojo's Fremantle - deets HERE.

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