Premiere: Bones Garage's Great Rift Valley offers a snapshot of life in the Middle East

Premiere: Bones Garage's Great Rift Valley offers a snapshot of life in the Middle East

The Tel Aviv-based five-piece are gearing up for the release of their second LP.

Header photo by Yul Shift.

As they march towards the release of their second LP, Oi Ma Yeah, Tel-Aviv-based five-piece Bones Garage have unleashed the lead single from it, Great Rift Valley. The track itself is a perfect blend of punk/indie/surf rock, but its the issues that reside within that are the most captivating. ‘Great Rift Valley’ refers to the geological rift that goes through Israel and its neighbours, Syria and Jordan, and the song tackles living in Israel, torn between violence and radical opinions and the longing to live in peace. Bones Garage are treating punk like it was originally born to do - tackle serious social issues under the veil of dirty punk-rock, and it's fascinating.

Take a listen below, and if you are going to Glastonbury this weekend perchance, catch 'em on the Pussy Palure Stage this Sunday at 12:45!

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